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Showing results 101 - 120 out of 581
Hernández-Soto, A., Echeverría-Beirute, F., Abdelnour-Esquivel, A., Valdez-Melara, M., Boch, J., & Gatica-Arias, A. (2021). Rice breeding in the new era: Comparison of useful agronomic traits. Current Plant Biology, 27, Article 100211.
Hildebrandt, T., Meyer, E., & Schwarzländer, M. (2021). Die Proteinausstattung eines einzelnen pflanzlichen Mitochondriums. BioSpektrum, 27(7), 715-718.
Jiang, Y., Wang, D., Yao, Y., Eubel, H., Künzler, P., Møller, I. M., & Xu, D. (2021). MULocDeep: A deep-learning framework for protein subcellular and suborganellar localization prediction with residue-level interpretation. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 19, 4825-4839.
Kanfra, X., Obawolu, T., Wrede, A., Strolka, B., Winkelmann, T., Hardeweg, B., & Heuer, H. (2021). Alleviation of Nematode-Mediated Apple Replant Disease by Pre-Cultivation of Tagetes. Horticulturae, 7(11), Article 433.
Klusch, N., Senkler, J., Yildiz, Ö., Kühlbrandt, W., & Braun, H.-P. (2021). A ferredoxin bridge connects the two arms of plant mitochondrial complex I. Plant Cell, 33(6), 2072-2091.,
Küster, H. (2021). The Medicago truncatula Transcriptome Database MtExpress: Genome-Wide Expression Profiles at Your Fingertips. Plant and Cell Physiology, 62(9), 1359–1361.
Mahnkopp-Dirks, F. (2021). Bacterial endophytes in apple (Malus domestica) rootstocks grown in apple replant disease affected and non-affected soils. [Doctoral thesis, Leibniz University Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Moseler, A., Kruse, I., Maclean, A. E., Pedroletti, L., Franceschetti, M., Wagner, S., Wehler, R., Fischer-Schrader, K., Poschet, G., Wirtz, M., Dörmann, P., Hildebrandt, T. M., Hell, R., Schwarzländer, M., Balk, J., & Meyer, A. J. (2021). The function of glutaredoxin GRXS15 is required for lipoyl-dependent dehydrogenases in mitochondria. Plant physiology, 186(3), 1507-1525.
Nitarska, D., Boehm, R., Debener, T., Lucaciu, R. C., & Halbwirth, H. (2021). First genome edited poinsettias: targeted mutagenesis of flavonoid 3′-hydroxylase using CRISPR/Cas9 results in a colour shift. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 147(1), 49-60.
Pathi, K. M. (2021). Establishment of maize resistance to fungal diseases by host-induced gene silencing and site-directed mutagenesis. [Doctoral thesis, Leibniz University Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Reinard, T. (2021). LACoP Forschende entwickeln Allergen-reduzierte Senfpflanzen. (Wissenschaftsjahr 2020/21). Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Reinard, T. (2021). Molekularbiologische Methoden 2.0. (3. aktual. Aufl. ed.) UTB.
Rohr, A.-D. (2021). Gene expression analysis in apple roots on soils with replant disease. [Doctoral thesis, Leibniz University Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Rugen, N., Schaarschmidt, F., Eirich, J., Finkemeier, I., Braun, H.-P., & Eubel, H. (2021). Protein interaction patterns in Arabidopsis thaliana leaf mitochondria change in dependence to light. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics, 1862(8), Article 148443.
Schramm, S., Rozhon, W., Adedeji-Badmus, A. N., Liang, Y., Nayem, S., Winkelmann, T., & Poppenberger, B. (2021). The Orphan Crop Crassocephalum crepidioides Accumulates the Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid Jacobine in Response to Nitrogen Starvation. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, Article 702985.
Schröder, L., Hohnjec, N., Senkler, M., Senkler, J., Küster, H., & Braun, H.-P. (2021). The gene space of European mistletoe (Viscum album). Plant Journal, 109(1), 278-294.,
Schulz, D., Linde, M., & Debener, T. (2021). Detection of Reproducible Major Effect QTL for Petal Traits in Garden Roses. Plants, 10(5), Article 897.
Straube, J., Chen, Y. H., Khanal, B. P., Shumbusho, A., Zeisler-Diehl, V., Suresh, K., Schreiber, L., Knoche, M., & Debener, T. (2021). Russeting in Apple is Initiated after Exposure to Moisture Ends: Molecular and Biochemical Evidence. Plants, 10(1), Article 65.
van Strien, J., Haupt, A., Schulte, U., Braun, H.-P., Cabrera-Orefice, A., Choudhary, J. S., Evers, F., Fernandez-Vizarra, E., Guerrero-Castillo, S., Kooij, T. W. A., Páleníková, P., Pardo, M., Ugalde, C., Wittig, I., Wöhlbrand, L., Brandt, U., Arnold, S., & Huynen, M. A. (2021). CEDAR, an online resource for the reporting and exploration of complexome profiling data. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics, 1862(7), Article 148411.,
Vilperte, V., Boehm, R., & Debener, T. (2021). A highly mutable GST is essential for bract colouration in Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. Ex Klotsch. BMC GENOMICS, 22(1), Article 208.