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Showing results 61 - 80 out of 581
Arnold, S., & Braun, H.-P. (2022). The complexome profiling approach for direct biochemical analysis of multiprotein assemblies. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics, 1863(3), Article 148522.
Assou, J., Zhang, D., Roth, K. D. R., Steinke, S., Hust, M., Reinard, T., Winkelmann, T., & Boch, J. (2022). Removing the major allergen Bra j I from brown mustard (Brassica juncea) by CRISPR/Cas9. Plant Journal, 109(3), 649-663.
Becker, S., Mücke, S., Grau, J., & Boch, J. (2022). Flexible TALEs for an expanded use in gene activation, virulence and scaffold engineering. Nucleic Acids Research, 50(4), 2387-2400.
Belghith, I., Senkler, J., Abdelly, C., Braun, H.-P., & Debez, A. (2022). Changes in leaf ecophysiological traits and proteome profile provide new insights into variability of salt response in the succulent halophyte Cakile maritima. Functional Plant Biology, 49(7), 613-624.
Brito, D. S., Quinhones, C. G. S., Neri-Silva, R., Heinemann, B., Schertl, P., Cavalcanti, J. H. F., Eubel, H., Hildebrandt, T., Nunes-Nesi, A., Braun, H.-P., & Araújo, W. L. (2022). The role of the electron-transfer flavoprotein: ubiquinone oxidoreductase following carbohydrate starvation in Arabidopsis cell cultures. Plant cell reports, 41(2), 431–446.
Chen, Y. H., Straube, J., Khanal, B. P., Zeisler-Diehl, V., Suresh, K., Schreiber, L., Debener, T., & Knoche, M. (2022). Apple fruit periderms (russeting) induced by wounding or by moisture have the same histologies, chemistries and gene expressions. PLOS ONE, 17(9), Article e0274733.
Costa, J., Pothier, J. F., Boch, J., Stefani, E., & Koebnik, R. (2022). Integrating science on Xanthomonas and Xylella for integrated plant disease management. Microorganisms, 11(1), Article 6.
Debener, T. (2022). State of the art of omics technologies in horticultural crops. In G. R. Rout (Ed.), Omics in Horticultural Crops (pp. 1-14). Academic Press Inc..
Domes, H. S., Neu, E., Linde, M., & Debener, T. (2022). P Starvation in Roses Leads to Strongly Genotype-Dependent Induction of P-Transporter Genes during Black Spot Leaf Disease. Journal of Fungi, 8(6), Article 549.
Heinemann, D., Zabic, M., Terakawa, M., & Boch, J. (2022). Laser-based molecular delivery and its applications in plant science. Plant Methods, 18(1), Article 82.,
Hoffie, I. V. O. (2022). Entwicklung des modularen CasCADE-Vektorsystems und dessen Verwendung zur gezielten Mutagenese der Stp13-Orthologe von Weizen und Gerste für die Etablierung dauerhafter Resistenz gegen Rost- und Mehltaupilze. [Doctoral thesis, Leibniz University Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Johannsmeier, S., Londenberg, A., Zabic, M., Schiwack, J., Boch, J., Ripken, T., & Heinemann, D. (2022). Plasmonic-induced molecular transfer and its perspectives in plant Science. In D. L. Andrews, A. J. Bain, & J.-M. Nunzi (Eds.), Nanophotonics IX Article 1213113 (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Vol. 12131). SPIE.
Kawamura, K., Ueda, Y., Matsumoto, S., Horibe, T., Otagaki, S., Wang, L., Wang, G., Hibrand-Saint Oyant, L., Foucher, F., Linde, M., & Debener, T. (2022). The identification of the Rosa S-locus provides new insights into the breeding and wild origins of continuous-flowering roses. Horticulture research, 9, Article uhac155.
Landes, T., Debener, T., & Heinemann, D. (2022). Brillouin elastography in horticultural sciences: impact of D. rosea on rose leaves biomechanics. Paper presented at 25th ICO and 16th OWLS conference, Dresden, Germany.
Mahnkopp-Dirks, F., Radl, V., Kublik, S., Gschwendtner, S., Schloter, M., & Winkelmann, T. (2022). Dynamics of Bacterial Root Endophytes of Malus domestica Plants Grown in Field Soils Affected by Apple Replant Disease. Frontiers in microbiology, 13, Article 841558.
Moormann, J., Heinemann, B., & Hildebrandt, T. M. (2022). News about amino acid metabolism in plant–microbe interactions. Trends in biochemical sciences, 47(10), 839-850.
Ochatt, S. J., Beruto, M. I., Chan, M. T., Doyle Prestwich, B. M., Eimert, K., Lambardi, M., & Winkelmann, T. (2022). Biotechnology of ornamental plants: when beauty joins science—preface from the editors. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 149(3), 497-502.
Petersen, A. C. A. (2022). Functional Analysis of Zinc Finger Proteins in the Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Symbiosis of Medicago truncatula Suggests a Regulatory Involvement of the PALM1 Transcription Factor. [Doctoral thesis, Leibniz University Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Pinczinger, D. (2022). The development of molecular genetic tools to improve efficiency in raspberry breeding. [Doctoral thesis, Leibniz University Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Reim, S., Winkelmann, T., Cestaro, A., Rohr, A. D., & Flachowsky, H. (2022). Identification of Candidate Genes Associated With Tolerance to Apple Replant Disease by Genome-Wide Transcriptome Analysis. Frontiers in microbiology, 13, Article 888908.