Publications at the Intitute of Plant Genetics

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Showing results 541 - 560 out of 581


Von Malek, B., Weber, W. E., & Debener, T. (2000). Identification of molecular markers linked to Rdr1, a gene conferring resistance to blackspot in roses. Theoretical and applied genetics.


Braun, H.-P., & Schmitz, U. (1999). The protein-import apparatus of plant mitochondria. Planta, 209(3), 267-274.
Debener, T., & Mattiesch, L. (1999). Construction of a genetic linkage map for roses using RAPD and AFLP markers. Theoretical and applied genetics.
Debener, T. (1999). Genetic analysis of horticulturally important morphological and physiological characters in diploid roses. Gartenbauwissenschaft.
Papenbrock, J., Mock, H. P., Kruse, E., & Grimm, B. (1999). Expression studies in tetrapyrrole biosynthesis: Inverse maxima of magnesium chelatase and ferrochelatase activity during cyclic photoperiods. PLANTA, 208(2), 264-273.


Brumme, S., Kruft, V., Schmitz, U., & Braun, H.-P. (1998). New insights into the co-evolution of cytochrome c reductase and the mitochondrial processing peptidase. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 273(21), 13143-13149.,
Debener, T., & Mattiesch, L. (1998). Effective pairwise combination of long primers for RAPD analyses in roses. PLANT BREEDING.
Debener, T., Drewes-Alvarez, R., & Rockstroh, K. (1998). Identification of five physiological races of blackspot, Diplocarpon rosae, Wolf on roses. PLANT BREEDING.
Jansch, L., Heins, L., Schmitz, UK., Braun, HP., Moller, IM., Gardestrom, P., Glimelius, K., & Glaser, E. (1998). The TOM complex from plant mitochondria. In Plant Mitochondria: From Genome to Function (Plant Mitochondria: From Gene To Function). Springer Netherlands.
Jänsch, L., Kruft, V., Schmitz, U., & Braun, H.-P. (1998). Unique composition of the preprotein translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane from plants. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 273(27), 17251-17257.,
Kugler, M., Brumme, S., Jansch, L., Werhahn, W., Schmitz, UK., Braun, HP., Moller, IM., Gardestrom, P., Glimelius, K., & Glaser, E. (1998). Characterization of plant mitochondria by blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BN-PAGE). In Plant Mitochondria: From Gene To Function (Plant Mitochondria: From Gene To Function). Springer Verlag.
Kügler, M., Kruft, V., Schmitz, U., & Braun, H.-P. (1998). Characterization of the PetM subunit of the b6f complex from higher plants. Journal of Plant Physiology, 153(5-6), 581-586.
Leggewie, G., & Braun, H.-P. (1998). A cDNA From Potato With Homology to DnaJ Is Identical to a Hitherto Unidentified Gene That Is Induced upon Tuberization in Potato and upon Flowering in Tobacco. Plant Physiology, 117(3), 1125-1125.
Reinard, T., Achmus, H., Walther, A., Rescher, U., Klämbt, D., & Jacobsen, H. J. (1998). Assignment of the Auxin Binding Abilities of ABP44 in Gel. Plant and Cell Physiology, 39(8), 874-878.
Von Malek, B., & Debener, T. (1998). Genetic analysis of resistance to blackspot (Diplocarpon rosae) in tetraploid roses. Theoretical and applied genetics.
Winkelmann, T., Sangwan, R. S., & Schwenkel, H. G. (1998). Flow cytometric analyses in embryogenic and non-embryogenic callus lines of Cyclamen persicum mill. Relation between ploidy level and competence for somatic embryogenesis. Plant cell reports, 17(5), 400-404.


Braun, HP., Jansch, L., Schmitz, UK., HopsuHavu, VK., Jarvinen, M., & Kirschke, H. (1997). Potato mitochondrial processing peptidase complex. In Proteolysis in Cell Functions
Braun, H.-P., & Schmitz, U. (1997). The mitochondrial processing peptidase. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 29(8-9), 1043-1045.
Debel, K., Sierralta, W. D., Braun, H.-P., Schmitz, U., & Kloppstech, K. (1997). The 23-kDa light-stress-regulated heat-shock protein of Chenopodium rubrum L. is located in the mitochondria. Planta, 201(3), 326-333.
Debener, T., Bartels, C., & Spethmann, W. (1997). Parentage analysis in interspecific crosses between rose species with RAPD markers,Vaterschaftsanalysen in artkreuzungen bei rosen mit hilfe von RAPD-markern. Gartenbauwissenschaft.