Publications at the Intitute of Plant Genetics

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Showing results 441 - 460 out of 581


Raffeiner, B., Serek, M., & Winkelmann, T. (2009). Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of oncidium and odontoglossum orchid species with the ethylene receptor mutant gene etr1-1. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 98(2), 125-134.
Schenkluhn, L., Hohnjec, N., Niehaus, K., Schmitz, U., & Colditz, F. (2009). Differential gel electrophoresis (DIGE) to quantitatively monitor early symbiosis- and pathogenesis-induced changes of the Medicago truncatula root proteome. Journal of Proteomics, 73(4), 753-768.
Schulz, D. F., Linde, M., Blechert, O., & Debener, T. (2009). Evaluation of genus Rosa germplasm for resistance to black spot, downy mildew and powdery mildew. European Journal of Horticultural Science, 74(1), 1-9.
Tiranti, V., Viscomi, C., Hildebrandt, T., Di Meo, I., Mineri, R., Tiveron, C., Levitt, M. D., Prelle, A., Fagiolari, G., Rimoldi, M., & Zeviani, M. (2009). Loss of ETHE1, a mitochondrial dioxygenase, causes fatal sulfide toxicity in ethylmalonic encephalopathy (Nature Medicine DOI: 10.1038/nm.1907). Nature medicine, 15(2), 220.
Villarreal, F., Martín, V., Colaneri, A., González-Schain, N., Perales, M., Martín, M., Lombardo, C., Braun, H. P., Bartoli, C., & Zabaleta, E. (2009). Ectopic expression of mitochondrial gamma carbonic anhydrase 2 causes male sterility by anther indehiscence. Plant molecular biology, 70(4), 471-485.


Boekema, E. J., & Braun, H. P. (2008). Supramolecular structure of the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation system (Journal of Biological Chemistry (2007) 282, (1-4)). Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283(29).
Bultema, J. B., Braun, H. P., Boekema, E. J., & Kouřil, R. (2008). Megacomplex organization of the oxidative phosphorylation system by structural analysis of respiratory supercomplexes from potato. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics, 1787(1), 60-67.
Dudkina, N. V., Sunderhaus, S., Boekema, E. J., & Braun, H. P. (2008). The higher level of organization of the oxidative phosphorylation system: Mitochondrial supercomplexes. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 40(5), 419-424.,
Frenzel, A., Manthey, K., Perlick, A. M., Meyer, F., Pühler, A., Küster, H., & Krajinski, F. (2008). Combined Transcriptome Profiling Reveals a Novel Family of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal-Specific Medicago truncatula Lectin Genes. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 18(8), 771-782.
Koopman, W. J. M., Wissemann, V., De Cock, K., Van Huylenbroeck, J., De Riek, J., Sabatino, G. J. H., Visser, D., Vosman, B., Ritz, C. M., Maes, B., Werlemark, G., Nybom, H., Debener, T., Linde, M., & Smulders, M. J. M. (2008). AFLP markers as a tool to reconstruct complex relationships: A case study in Rosa (Rosaceae). American journal of botany, 95(3), 353-366.
Prange, A. N. S., Serek, M., & Winkelmann, T. (2008). Vegetative propagation of different cyclamen species via adventitious shoot formation from seedling tissue. Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 8(4), 204-209.
Wegner, H., & Debener, T. (2008). Novel breeding strategies for ornamental dahlias II: Molecular analyses of genetic distances between Dahlia cultivars and wild species. European Journal of Horticultural Science, 73(3), 97-103.
Winkelmann, T., Sabine Prange, A. N., Specht, J., & Serek, M. (2008). Morphological characterization of plants regenerated from PROTOPLASTS of Cyclamen persicum Mill. Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 8(1), 9-12.
Zakizadeh, H., Debener, T., Sriskandarajah, S., Frello, S., & Serek, M. (2008). Regeneration of miniature potted rose (Rosa hybrida L.) via somatic embryogenesis. European Journal of Horticultural Science, 73(3), 111-117.


Borchert, T., Fuchs, J., Winkelmann, T., & Hohe, A. (2007). Variable DNA content of Cyclamen persicum regenerated via somatic embryogenesis: Rethinking the concept of long-term callus and suspension cultures. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 90(3), 255-263.
Führs, H., Hartwig, M., Molina, L. E. B., Heintz, D., Van Dorsselaer, A., Braun, H. P., & Horst, W. J. (2007). Early manganese-toxicity response in Vigna unguiculata L. A proteomic and transcriptomic study. PROTEOMICS, 8(1), 149-159.,
Hattendorf, A., & Debener, T. (2007). Molecular characterization of NBS-LRR-RGAs in the rose genome. Physiologia plantarum, 129(4), 775-786.
Hattendorf, A., & Debener, T. (2007). NBS-LRR-RGAs in roses: Diversity, genomic organization, expression and chromosomal location. Acta Horticulturae, 751, 151-162.
Heinemeyer, J., Braun, H. P., Boekema, E. J., & Kouřil, R. (2007). A Structural Model of the Cytochrome c Reductase/Oxidase Supercomplex from Yeast Mitochondria. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282(16), 12240-12248.,
Heinemeyer, J., Lewejohann, D., & Braun, H. P. (2007). Blue-Native Gel Electrophoresis for the Characterization of Protein Complexes in Plants. In Plant Proteomics: Methods and Protocols (pp. 343-352). (Methods in Molecular Biology; Vol. 355).