
Abteilung Pflanzengenomforschung

Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 20 von 29


Küster, H. (2024). Medicago truncatula. In Reference Module in Life Sciences


Schröder, L., Rupp, O., Senkler, M., Rugen, N., Hohnjec, N., Goesmann, A., Küster, H., & Braun, H.-P. (2023). The Viscum album Gene Space database. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, Artikel 1193122.


Petersen, A. C. A. (2022). Functional Analysis of Zinc Finger Proteins in the Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Symbiosis of Medicago truncatula Suggests a Regulatory Involvement of the PALM1 Transcription Factor. [Dissertation, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.


Hartung, L. (2021). Ethylene-responsive transcription factors orchestrating AM-dependent fatty acid biosynthesis act in complexes with Nuclear Factor-Y TFs and the key AM regulator RAM1. [Dissertation, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Küster, H. (2021). The Medicago truncatula Transcriptome Database MtExpress: Genome-Wide Expression Profiles at Your Fingertips. Plant and Cell Physiology, 62(9), 1359–1361.
Schröder, L., Hohnjec, N., Senkler, M., Senkler, J., Küster, H., & Braun, H.-P. (2021). The gene space of European mistletoe (Viscum album). Plant Journal, 109(1), 278-294.,


Hartmann, R. M. (2018). Functional analysis of arbuscular mycorrhiza-related GRAS transcription factor genes of Medicago truncatula. [Dissertation, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Uhe, M. (2018). Functional analysis of arbuscular mycorrhiza-related membrane transporter and defensin genes of Medicago truncatula. [Dissertation, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.


Curto, M., Krajinski, F., Küster, H., & Rubiales, D. (2015). Plant Defense Responses in Medicago truncatula Unveiled by Microarray Analysis. Plant molecular biology reporter, 33(3), 569-583.
Klug, K., Hogekamp, C., Specht, A., Myint, S. S., Blöink, D., Küster, H., & Horst, W. J. (2015). Spatial gene expression analysis in tomato hypocotyls suggests cysteine as key precursor of vascular sulfur accumulation implicated in Verticillium dahliae defense. Physiologia plantarum, 153(2), 253-268.


Bucher, M., Hause, B., Krajinski, F., & Küster, H. (2014). Through the doors of perception to function in arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses. New Phytologist, 204(4), 833-840.


Hogekamp, C., & Küster, H. (2013). A roadmap of cell-type specific gene expression during sequential stages of the arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis. BMC GENOMICS, 14(1), Artikel 306.
Küster, H. (2013). Medicago truncatula. In Brenner's Encyclopedia of Genetics: Second Edition (S. 335-337). Elsevier Inc..
Ubayasena, L., Vijayan, P., Bett, K. E., Gray, G. R., Küster, H., & Warkentin, T. D. (2013). Gene expression profiles of seed coats and biochemical properties of seed coats and cotyledons of two field pea (Pisum sativum) cultivars contrasting in green cotyledon bleaching resistance. EUPHYTICA, 193(1), 49-65.


Bintig, W., Begandt, D., Schlingmann, B., Gerhard, L., Pangalos, M., Dreyer, L., Hohnjec, N., Couraud, P. O., Romero, I. A., Weksler, B. B., & Ngezahayo, A. (2012). Purine receptors and Ca 2+ signalling in the human blood-brain barrier endothelial cell line hCMEC/D3. Purinergic signalling, 8(1), 71-80.
Czaja, L. F., Hogekamp, C., Lamm, P., Maillet, F., Martinez, E. A., Samain, E., Dénarié, J., Küster, H., & Hohnjec, N. (2012). Transcriptional responses toward diffusible signals from symbiotic microbes reveal MtNFP- and MtDMI3-dependent reprogramming of host gene expression by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal lipochitooligosaccharidesspi. Plant physiology, 159(4), 1671-1685.
Kamphuis, L. G., Williams, A. H., Küster, H., Trengove, R. D., Singh, K. B., Oliver, R. P., & Ellwood, S. R. (2012). Phoma medicaginis stimulates the induction of the octadecanoid and phenylpropanoid pathways in Medicago truncatula. Molecular plant pathology, 13(6), 593-603.
Ortu, G., Balestrini, R., Pereira, P. A., Becker, J. D., Küster, H., & Bonfante, P. (2012). Plant genes related to gibberellin biosynthesis and signaling are differentially regulated during the early Stages of AM fungal interactions. Molecular plant, 5(4), 951-954.
Tisserant, E., Kohler, A., Dozolme-Seddas, P., Balestrini, R., Benabdellah, K., Colard, A., Croll, D., da Silva, C., Gomez, S. K., Koul, R., Ferrol, N., Fiorilli, V., Formey, D., Franken, P. H., Helber, N., Hijri, M., Lanfranco, L., Lindquist, E., Liu, Y., ... Martin, F. (2012). The transcriptome of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices (DAOM 197198) reveals functional tradeoffs in an obligate symbiont. New Phytologist, 193(3), 755-769.
Vorhölter, F. J., Wiggerich, H. G., Scheidle, H., Sidhu, V. K., Mrozek, K., Küster, H., Pühler, A., & Niehaus, K. (2012). Involvement of bacterial TonB-dependent signaling in the generation of an oligogalacturonide damage-associated molecular pattern from plant cell walls exposed to Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris pectate lyases. BMC microbiology, 12, Artikel 239.