List of Publications Prof. Dr. Thomas Debener
Showing results 141 - 154 out of 154
Debener, T., & Mattiesch, L. (1998). Effective pairwise combination of long primers for RAPD analyses in roses. PLANT BREEDING.
Debener, T., Drewes-Alvarez, R., & Rockstroh, K. (1998). Identification of five physiological races of blackspot, Diplocarpon rosae, Wolf on roses. PLANT BREEDING.
Von Malek, B., & Debener, T. (1998). Genetic analysis of resistance to blackspot (Diplocarpon rosae) in tetraploid roses. Theoretical and applied genetics.
Debener, T., Bartels, C., & Spethmann, W. (1997). Parentage analysis in interspecific crosses between rose species with RAPD markers,Vaterschaftsanalysen in artkreuzungen bei rosen mit hilfe von RAPD-markern. Gartenbauwissenschaft.
Debener, T., & Mattiesch, L. (1996). Genetic analysis of molecular markers in crosses between diploid roses. In Acta Horticulturae (pp. 249-252). (Acta Horticulturae; Vol. 424). International Society for Horticultural Science.
Debener, T., Bartels, C., & Mattiesch, L. (1996). RAPD analysis of genetic variation between a group of rose cultivars and selected wild rose species. Molecular breeding.
Debener, T., Lehnackers, H., Arnold, M., & Dangl, J. L. (1991). Identification and molecular mapping of a single Arabidopsis thaliana locus determining resistance to a phytopathogenic Pseudomonas syringae isolate. Plant Journal.
Debener, T., Salamini, F., & Gebhardt, C. (1991). The Use of RFLPs (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms) Detects Germplasm Introgressions from Wild Species into Potato (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum) Breeding Lines. PLANT BREEDING, 106(3), 173-181.
Gebhardt, C., Ritter, E., Barone, A., Debener, T., Walkemeier, B., Schachtschabel, U., Kaufmann, H., Thompson, R. D., Bonierbale, M. W., Ganal, M. W., Tanksley, S. D., & Salamini, F. (1991). RFLP maps of potato and their alignment with the homoeologous tomato genome. Theoretical and applied genetics.
Ritter, E., Debener, T., Barone, A., Salamini, F., & Gebhardt, C. (1991). RFLP mapping on potato chromosomes of two genes controlling extreme resistance to potato virus X (PVX). MGG Molecular & General Genetics.
Barone, A., Ritter, E., Schachtschabel, U., Debener, T., Salamini, F., & Gebhardt, C. (1990). Localization by restriction fragment length polymorphism mapping in potato of a major dominant gene conferring resistance to the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostocbiensis. MGG Molecular & General Genetics.
Debener, T., Salamini, F., & Gebhardt, C. (1990). Phylogeny of wild and cultivated Solanum species based on nuclear restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Theoretical and applied genetics.
Gebhardt, C., Blomendahl, C., Schachtschabel, U., Debener, T., Salamini, F., & Ritter, E. (1989). Identification of 2n breeding lines and 4n varieties of potato (Solanum tuberosum, ssp. tuberosum) with RFLP-fingerprints. Theoretical and applied genetics.
Gebhardt, C., Ritter, E., Debener, T., Schachtschabel, U., Walkemeier, B., Uhrig, H., & Salamini, F. (1989). RFLP analysis and linkage mapping in Solanum tuberosum. Theoretical and applied genetics.